Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Alternative Football

It is fall and it is time for America’s national Game: Football! Not soccer, or rugby, but American Football! Interestingly enough the countries number one sport and arguably the top grossing sport in the world does not have a true minor league system. Baseball and hockey have very successful and profitable minor league systems. Soccer and basketball have a minor league system; their success is debatable. A minor league football league seems like a no brainer.

There are options to play football professionally out side of the NFL. There is the CFL in Canada (which is difficult for Americans players to break into because half of each roster is Canada players) and there is Arena football (which was so cool at the turn of the century) which uses small roster sizes. Then there are a ton of indoor football leagues (check out Indoor Football League or Lone Star Football League) some of the league are stable and professionally ran some are not some teams are stable some fail to play an entire season or ever play a player.

Since it is fall I wanted to high light some teams and leagues that have tried or are trying to make a go at being minor league football. We will talk about what they have done right and what they have done wrong.

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