Friday, February 15, 2013

Carpet Ball

Most beloved table games were created in one of two places. Either in a dimly lit pub in somewhere or at a summer camp during the hot days of July. Here we have a game from the latter. Carpet pool is a game played by summer campers for probably 2 generations. Now no great came room is complete without it. It is a fast game requiring you to throw! (ideally role) pool balls down a table to knock off your opponent's balls.

 There are websites offering to sell you a professional carpet ball set for between $1,000 and $2,000 but most of the tables out there are homemade. Just go down to your local hardware store and start buying supplies. If you need help with construction here are some sites to check out:

Before I start getting hate mail lets clear up a few things. The game is called both carpet ball and carpetball. It is sometimes call carpet pool. There is no official length a table can be anywhere from 8 ft to 16 ft long. There are no uniform way you most set up the balls rules are loose. The only rule everyone seems to play with is if a ball goes off the table you automatically loose! Besides that have fun. 

Building one of these tables is on my to-do list. I have a space set aside in the youth room at church to place one of these tables. I want to try setting up some different cue games (see my old post on Pub Billiards). So I am going to construct one with low side rails so a cue stick can be easily used.

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